Do you need help getting UNSTUCK? 🙅♀️⛓️
Jul 03, 2024
Greetings [FIRST NAME GOES HERE], Sometimes, we come upon moments in our lives where we must stop and ask ourselves: Dang…how did I end up here? If you’re in a season where you’re assessing where you’re at, you’re at the right time and place. We’re right in the middle of the year, Q3 has just kicked off, summer is at its peak, and storms are brewing around us, from potential hurricanes to election outcomes. 📆 It’s a weird time, and I’ve witnessed way too many people passing into transition. It kind of makes me a little nervous when we’re faced with the mortal coil. Heck…no one really knows how much time they’ve got, right? This question is super important for you if you’re experiencing identity shifts, seeking clarity, or pivoting in a new direction. It can feel scary, which is why so many people get stuck and stay stuck. Fear of change, the unknown, and uncertainty breed anxiety and stress. When you don’t know who to turn to for help, you can feel isolated, lonely, and unsure. What if I told you this didn’t have to be your reality?What if I told you that everything’s already been figured out, but you just need to be present and patient to allow it to come to fruition? What if I told you that your old stories are causing you to stay stuck? Wouldn’t you try and do something different? I completely understand that with summer, the economy, and your life situation, you may be thinking—WHAT? Do you want me to focus and invest in myself? 💸 YES, friend. I do. 🌀 I want you to focus and invest in yourself because if you don’t, how will others invest in you—whether that’s in relationships, clientele, or coaching? Investing in yourself is a way to get unstuck if you’re getting something worthwhile out of it.Rather than asking you to buy another course and let it sit on your digital shelf, I’m asking you to do something completely different. CHANGE YOUR AKASHIC RECORD STORIES 📄Only when your Akashic Records stories and contracts change will everything change externally. Nothing changes your trajectory until you’re ready to resolve and evolve past the soul lessons. Until you embrace your worthiness and give yourself the gift of new quantum-based stories, you’ll be swirling in the pool of self-doubt and playing small. That’s not what I want for you and your beautiful, bad-ass self. YOU are far from small. YOU are much more elevated, elegant, and magnificent than you give yourself credit for. I see this in ALL my clients, despite what they say or believe in themselves. I see their true essence and light, and I know that their 3D self hides their 5D light self because they’re scared. It’s time to stop being afraid and stuck. 🫣 Only you can help yourself heal and overcome the obstacles. I can definitely help, and this is where you’ve got a supportive ally behind you, holding you up and advocating for you even if you’re not willing to do it yourself. So, change your background stories. If you’re not sure how, the Akashic MYSTIC Clearing Process is one of the most effective ways to take you from your 1.0 self to your evolved, light-being 2.0 self. An Akashic MYSTIC Clearing Process takes your old stories, patterns, blocks, and Akashic past lives and removes these factors from your Akashic Records so they can be transmuted and created anew in the quantum plane. I don’t do this for you; the Record Keepers and your Soul Council lead the way. The transformations that occur can lead you to feel:
This answers your question: How do I get unstuck when I’ve found myself back at square one…again?!? Don’t wait, and don’t waste time. This is your most precious gift, so make the most of your time and invest in yourself. The Akashic MYSTIC Clearing process is life-changing and opens the door to your new reality of BEING. As someone who has taught and received the Akashic MYSTIC Clearing…I’m a different person because of it. I’m more relaxed, trusting, and calm about the decisions I make. I live in alignment with what I desire and only take on what I want. I especially feel like I get paid to play, and it’s effortless to do the work I love to do. What you have just read above are a few of the new MYSTIC stories I live by daily. I am transformed and living proof that this incarnation is where we make the biggest changes, healing, and evolution in our soul stories and impact. This is a gift from Akashic Records, and I invite you to give it to yourself. Sign up today to receive your Akashic MYSTIC Clearing. Six months from now, you will thank yourself for getting unstuck and moving forward in your 2.0 self. Take good care of yourself and let's change those stories together! Bless up, |
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