It's a new week. Is your game on?
Apr 14, 2024
I hope you're doing well and feeling blessed. It's been one week since the Solar Eclipse, and woo-wee was that a doozie of an integration period.
I went through the weeds, and all kinds of feelings popped up as I watched old constructs fade away and new ideas come into place.
Instead of resisting, I addressed and held the space for integration and assimilation.
Instead of going into judgment land, which I'm prone to do with myself, I let go into ease and trusted that my future self was handling it and would let us know when we needed to answer.
My future self is doing a pretty dang good job of handling things. She even gave me the weekend off to go see MotoGP and let my inner 16-year-old boy run in glee at super fast motorcycles.
Yeah…I geeked out because, apparently, I love fast cars and bikes and near-death experiences.
This is a momentary blip before I put my head back down and get back to the grind and hustle of running an online business.
I personally think that playdates are necessary for us to get super focused and clear on what steps we need to take in our lives.
Between races, I found myself with my notes on my phone and jotting down ideas. This is how I know that Spirit is 'talking' to me because I'm filled with inspiration and can't wait to get the info down so I don't miss it.
Great ideas have been launched from following this intuitive hit. This is how Become an Akashic Records Guide was born—through a napkin, I scribbled the RKs' messages as I was waiting at a restaurant. Or how Protect Yourself from Psychic Attacks appeared as I was waiting at the stoplight and got struck with the downloads. Or how go-to journals were created when I wrote down my thoughts in one of my many journals and ran out of space.
Spirit is always talking to you, but sometimes, you don't pay attention because you're too distracted by your own thoughts. And when you do look up from that momentary distraction, you may feel fuzzy-headed because you may have forgotten the spark that came through.
You might think there's something wrong with you, but I beg you to differ.
You may just be experiencing a moment of spiritual amnesia.
Spiritual amnesia exists, and we sometimes dip into old patterns that cause us to forget who we are, what we're doing, or our soul's purpose.
The most regularly asked questions I receive from Akashic Readings are: Am I on the right track with my soul's purpose?
You wouldn't feel the need to ask this question if you trust that you are really on your soul's path.
But what if you're in a job that sucks your soul?
Or what if you're in a relationship that is just going nowhere?
Or what if you're trapped in debt and money worries?
Or what if you feel like you're supposed to be doing something else but can't figure out what it is?
This is because you're experiencing spiritual amnesia.
Everything, and I mean everything, has a karmic replay tie, which affords you the opportunity to choose a different outcome.
That means…if you're in job that sucks your soul…you can change.
If you're in a relationship that is just going nowhere, you shift and choose to go somewhere.
If you're trapped in debt and money worries, you choose to take action to expand your financial power.
And if you've got this hankering feeling that won't go away because you feel like you're supposed to be doing something else…chances are… you're being given the opportunity to lean into the pivot.
But what if I make a mistake? What if I mess up?
Then, you make a mistake and learn.
You mess up and choose not to do it again in the future.
You don't have to be afraid of being wrong or making a decision that doesn't go your way. Part of it is your soul's karma to learn and uplevel your choices. The other part is for you to shift your perspective so that you're not holding yourself back through criticism, judgments, and fear.
In this week's post-Eclipse energy, here are three things I encourage you to consider when you have moments of spiritual amnesia tripping you up:
Be kind to yourself instead of giving yourself a hard time.
Ask yourself "What does this mean?" and allow yourself to receive the answer.
Write down where you're stuck and walk away. A decision, idea, or spark may surprise you when you least expect it.
Integration is still happening to all of us as we ride through the waves of Mercury in Retrograde.
You definitely don't have to do this on your own.
If you need help or support, hit me up. VIP Sessions are available to help you get to the next level past confusion, doubt, or worry. I have immediate openings this week and next week if you need support!
Most of all, take your time to give yourself what you need. It's important and you deserve it! Take good care of yourself!
Bless up,
Anne Marie
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