Allowing the Divine Plan
Apr 17, 2012Do you allow the Divine Plan to occur or do you get in the way of your own evolution?
Here is the opportunity to change your paradigm. Wanna know how?
Move aside and allow the Divine Plan to unfold!
Recently, I was marveling at how perfectly everything falls into place when I AM clear within myself regarding what I want. Surely, the Universe must be listening when I witness my needs being met, my heart expanding in love and blessings generously rain down around me. I smile because at some point, I surrendered. What did I surrender to?
I surrendered in allowing the Divine Plan to take place and to not take anything that occurred – right or wrong – personally. Rather, see it as a learning opportunity and the necessary steps my soul needed to grow and experience this human condition. It wasn’t always easy. Moving aside and letting the Creator drive requires faith, trust, patience, compassion, overstanding and self-love.
Why do I say self-love?
In allowing the Master Plan to unfold, we create the well-spring of self-love to grow and blend with the Creator’s intent for us. That requires us to be selfish enough to move over and let go.
“How Do I Allow the Divine Plan to Unfold in my Life?”
1. Begin by acknowledging that you are a soul having a human experience, and there is something greater that is guiding your existence.
2. Realize that you play a part in the big picture and that your thoughts, words, energy and actions affect the greater whole – no matter how big or small it may be.
3. Realize that whatever trauma or painful experience you may have had in your early years was a necessary step in the evolution of your soul’s growth. In overstanding the early events as a necessary part of the Big Picture, you identify with it less as a defining soul characteristic and as an opportunity to change, heal, forgive and let go of perceptions that bind you to that ideology. This is the invitation to change your paradigm.
Question is: Are you Ready?
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