Be Still and Listen

by anne marie pizarro health and wellness Aug 22, 2011

Energy Connection Tip of the Day: In understanding our path, we must become still and listen for Great Spirit is always speaking to us. In honoring our Divinity, we must trust that what we hear is for our highest and best good.

What does this mean?

We live in a busy time and our lives are packed to the gills with things to do, places to see, and people to meet.  So scattered and on the run are we that we often do not get the downtime needed to connect to Great Spirit.  In connecting to the Source, we are able to renew our energy and life force.

Many people I meet often say that they have a difficult time “meditating” because their minds and thoughts are too busy.  Authors such as Eckart Tolle talk about the mind and ego and encourage us to detach and watch what the mind does.  That’s a pretty difficult order when being still is challenging and unplugging from a stimuli-rich world becomes a necessity.

I recently told my daughter that we would have no tv from Sunday through Thursday because she is in school.  At first, she put up a “fight” and told me it was “no fair.”  Then as the days and weeks crept by, she would ask if she could watch maybe 1 night of tv.  Sometimes I relented.  I am human too, you know.  Other times, I said no.

Instead, we spent our evenings either reading or practicing a “whale meditation” to slow our heartbeat and circadian rhythm down.  What I noticed was that after doing a simple 5-10 minute meditation together, we both were more grounded and calm.   Any questions of the TV for the evening subsided.  And – we began to communicate and do things together more.

I recently was informed by my Guides and Spirit that I was to receive some Akashic Record Transmissions.  My first transmission was a heavy message and I didn’t realize that we are in a state of a dire emergency on our planet.  It required being still and listen to the message.  In hearing and following the advice of the Great Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones, Angels, and The Creator –  I am more calm and focused.

Why is it important to be calm and focused during this time?

In order to be effective as a healer, I must continually practice clearing myself of issues to be a clear and perfect channel for The Divine. People call me from all over the world needing clarity.  It is not fair for them if I am not present.  Because I take my work seriously and I love what I do, finding moments of stillness serves my clients and my daughter well.

How Do I Become Still and Listen?

The best thing you can do is incrementally build up to more time that allows you stillness.  I found that doing a simple meditation and pretending that I was a whale made a HUGE difference.  Whales move slowly and gracefully through the water.

This meditation is an exercise in pretending you are a whale and swimming in a spiral with other whales.  As you swim in this sprial, you begin to sink deeper and deeper into the depths of the ocean.  As you sink deeper, your heart rate slows down and your breathing expands.

You do not go to sleep but rather lay in a suspended state of deep meditation.  When you find that your mind wanders, you take the opportunity to look with your whale eyes at your surroundings, looking up and seeing the whales above you, looking sideways and glimpsing your smooth, grey body, looking down and seeing the whales circling below you and looking within at your huge and agile body.

Start first with 5 minutes and progressively work up to 15 minutes, then 30 minutes then 1 hour.  You will find that your connection to the Creator becomes stronger as you honor your relationship to the flow of the Universe.  Then in finding stillness and calm, you return home to yourself in peace.

Many blessings and Love,


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