Ego….please step aside

by anne marie pizarro opportunities Sep 12, 2011

Energy Connection Tip of The Day:

More than anything, you are being called to go within and ask for what is needed in your life. In connecting with your higher self, you ask for your ego to step aside and bring to you the next steps to unfolding your Divine Path.

In the unfolding of the Divine Path, we honor that we are walking a labyrinth on this journey called LIFE.  If there ever was a time to pay attention and see what your actions, words, and thoughts are doing to contribute to your external circumstances….that time is NOW!

We have been given a very important job and that is to evolve.  Some people may not believe it.  Regardless of whether they do or not, the process still occurs.  We are Ascending, Communing, and Growing in our spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical bodies.  We are becoming radiant beings of Light.

The ego is an inseparable part of our body and psyche.  The challenge is allowing ourselves to maintain control our ego, not the other way around.  The ego is selfish and self-centered. Many altruistic and compassionate behavior come from a higher state of being.  In attempting balance, we return to wholeness. In returning to wholeness, we align ourselves to the Divine Will.  In aligning ourselves to our Divine Path, we put into actions the work that we were meant to do. In living our purpose, we reach happiness, security, and financial rewards.

So I encourage you to create that space and have the ego step aside.  You may be surprised at what you find!!

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