Energy Healing: 3 Benefits That May Surprise You

by anne marie pizarro energy healing Sep 15, 2011


Energy Healing for The New World

Energy healing for a New World means preparing yourself to release the blockages and past traumas/memories that hold you back.

My background covers Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), Akashic Records, Crystal Gridwork, Mayan-Aztec Sacred Geometry, Theta Healing and DNA Code Work.  Is it a wonder that energy healing runs as vital part of my being and vibrations?

I breathe, live, think and resonate Energy.  After all, it is the vibration and expression of the Divine.  When you choose to align yourself to that frequency, you become a conduit for The Creator to radiate through you.

So what are the 3 Benefits to Energy Healing That May Surprise You?

#1.  When you work on clearing the stagnant blockages, belief patterns and resistance from the past, you find that memories, people, and situations hold less of an emotional charge on you than before.  That means your reactions change.  That means your thoughts and feelings change, and so do you.  You are able to step into the present and be fully available because you have less past baggage mucking up your cellular memory.

#2.  When you receive energy healing, you bring back to you parts of your soul that gets fragmented during traumatic or painful situations.  This means that as you begin to draw back your “scattered parts” – you return to wholeness within your being, thereby increasing your personal power.

#3.   When you receive energy healing, you clear aways the stagnation of past stories, memories, and patterns, thereby allowing you to radiate a more Divine Light that actually assists and heals people just by being around you.  For your human energy field is approximately 5-6 feet around and communicates with your Masters, Teachers, Loved Ones, Guides, & Angels.  This increases your intuitive abilities and makes you more conscientious of the energy around.

Energy healing is part of our path in life whether we are aware of it or not.

To get assistance in clearing your field, contact me and we can assess where the issues are in your tissues!

Stay Blessed & Radiant!

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