How to handle transitions at this time…

by anne marie pizarro law of attraction Nov 22, 2014

Transitions….That’s the word that keeps whispering in my ear.

So much of my life has changed this year, and I reflect and see those big transitions occurring in many people’s lives as well.  It’s a time of stretching, expanding, disintegrating and examining.  It’s also a time that I feel The Creator is asking, ‘What do you really want?’

I felt like I had been asking for many years for certain things to appear: change in job, change in patterns, change in health, change in relationships….just a shift.  Gradually it came, piece by piece, inviting my heart to open and surrender.  That’s pretty freakin’ scary, you know that?  What do you do when what you ask for appears? Well…you do what comes most fearlessly and naturally. Either you run or you stay.  I chose to take a stand and stay.  

And then life started to change…

It began with being OK with myself and everything around me.  It began with relaxing into how everything appeared and trying not to change or control it. It began with letting someone special in. And it required a certain level of patience and trust.

Patience? Not my strongest suit. I want things to happen – like yesterday.  And every time I get impatient and snarky with The Universe, I get spanked into realizing that even with $25.00 left in my bank account, I would be taken care of. No matter what.  It happened every time.  So why couldn’t I just relax and let it go?

I wasn’t really sure what to do.  I had already hit a brick wall like a hundred times, and I realized that I had reached a point where I was standing in my own way. A conversation with a friend led to a deep insight that I was  judging myself for WHERE I SHOULD BE or SUPPOSED TO BE rather than accepting where I was at.  That made me reflect on years of heartache and frustration that I carried for expecting my businesses and practice to be somewhere else other than where it was at.   

And that is NOT cool.

Why would I do that to myself? Why do we ALL do that to ourselves? Is it a pre-programmed, self-sabotaging pattern that dates back to our early Christian roots? Or are we simply too block-headed to see when we’re in our way?  Is it so difficult to recognize the lessons and blessings as they are occurring?  

Ah….that may be where the answer lies.  As I sit back and ponder on all the events and circumstances that have happened to get me to this point, I realize that there is not one part of the past that I would want to change.  Neither the good nor bad because I realize that these are part of our Earthly education, our training in this human vessel, our soul’s curriculum.  This is why we are here.  

We came back to experience this rich, multi-sensorial ,multi-dimensional reality and one another because we have so much more room to grow.  We are ALL learning. And that is why there are so many transitions occurring in our lives and in the world right now.  We are collectively experiencing an evolution on a personal and global scale.

So how do we participate as fully as we can?

Live.  Live your life in full pursuit of your passion, purpose and joy.  Live because it is a gift to wake up and be able to take a breath.  Live because you have that option to give thanks and witness the abundance that is your birthright.  And most of all…live becausewhere you are at right now is exactly where you are supposed to be.

Take in these transitions.  Don’t fight them.  Instead…give thanks for them.  Allow the spirit of gratitude to fill your life and realize that no matter what is happening – you are going to be OK.  And when you can relax into that, you can do ANYTHING!

See…don’t you feel better already?

Bless up and Give Thanks!


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