How To Live From the Heart

by anne marie pizarro heart work Oct 25, 2010

How do you live and think from the heart? The first and most important step is not to get there from your head. Activating and empowering your heart’s center begins with acknowledging that there is a brain and an emotional center that resides there.

In  a world that is highly visual and constantly bombarded with stimulation, we are exposed to a myriad of sensations that keep us in our heads.  From thinking about our daily activities to relationships, finances, jobs, social responsibilities, home, family….the list could go on and we could be stuck in our heads for ever.  That is not the point of this post though.

It has taken me nearly 5 years of constant and conscientious effort to try and get out of my head.  It’s not enough when you read Eckart Tolle’s The Power of Now or try and stay present in the moment through Buddhist meditations when your mind is busier than a schizophrenic bee on cocaine.  Alright, perhaps it’s not that uncontrollable.  You get my drift though.  Our thoughts are a reflection of our society.

So how do we quiet those thoughts down and be more in our hearts?

It takes time, effort, dedication, and the release of energy, memories, thoughts, feelings and events that we acquire throughout our lifetime.  Did you get that?  It’s a non-stop effort in cleaning, clearing, and claiming.  What are you claiming?  Peace of mind!!!!!

Through the energy modalities that I have learned over the years and the energy work I’ve received from loving individuals and healers, I can honestly say that my thoughts are quieter, more stable, and less obtrusive.  Now my practice is not perfect and it does take discipline to detach yourself emotionally from the thoughts that come up.

As the thoughts appear in my spectrum, I begin to detach myself emotionally and mentally from the charge of that thought.  No longer do I allow a thought or memory to take me down a path and recreate the scenario, the feelings, the trauma, the reminders of what I could have done differently.  It doesn’t matter!!! It’s already in the past and it is DONE!  Anything else I could have done or should have done NEVER was intended to be that way.   That is the path of my life.  That is the path of your life.

Living in the stories of the past is a painful reminder of who we were not who we are NOW.  In order to live in the heart, we must conscientiously choose to think and see the world from the heart.  We are emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical beings that have such depths of texture, emotions, and experiences.

To see the world from our hearts opens up a realm of possibilities.  To see the world from our minds opens up a palate of possible limitations of our experiences.

To see the world from our hearts is to be compassionate to ourselves and others – especially regarding our individual experiences.  To see the world from our minds sees the separation, devastation, challenges, and factions that keep us prisoners of our own experiences.

To live from our hearts is to fully stand in alignment with the Divine and trust that our life is unfolding according to Divine Plan.  To live from our minds is to be separate from the Divine and question the experiences and opportunities that may come up.

To live from our hearts is to grow as spiritual and evolved beings, symbiotically living with the Earth and her people.  To live from our minds is to feel the constant struggle of the ego and the heart.

I realize it’s not easy.  I don’t really believe it’s suppose to be.  This plane of existence is our school.  We signed up for the curriculum called LIFE and are experiencing the classes in a really close and intimate setting.  We have chances to reflect on what has occurred experientially and to make the changes to have different experiences.

So here is my very very very simple 5 step recipe for How to Live From the Heart.  If it resonates, GREAT!!!  Take it into your heart and live it!! If it doesn’t – well, then, give me a call and we can do some energy work on you so that you can begin the process of coming home to your birthright of peace, self-confidence, and empowerment.

#1.  Take the time to get to a quiet place, whether in meditation or prayer, and ask to be taken into your heart’s sacred space.  While you are there, practice seeing the world from that point of view.

#2.  Be compassionate to yourself and others.  Really listen to what people are saying to you and let that information filter through your heart before you respond.  You may find that not everything that happens in the world is a personal attack towards you.

#3.  Learn to detach yourself emotionally and mentally from thoughts, experiences, memories, triggers, and fears that come up.  Learn to watch the thoughts that flitter into your mind and see it flitter out once you have acknowledged that it has come up.  Do not allow yourself to spend more than 2 minutes on a thought or you are lost to the vibration and energetic charge of it once again.

#4.  Forgive yourself for your shortcomings and learn to forgive others for theirs.  By not judging people, circumstances, and the world – the Divine energy can come down to your heart and activate understanding.  By not giving in to your fears and sense of powerlessness – the energy of the Earth can come up to your Heart to create empowerment and action.

#5.  Give thanks!  Giving thanks and being in a state of gratitude softens your heart and opens up the possibilities of positive experiences coming in. Even if a situation occurs that seems difficult to give thanks for, just remember that you are on this Earthly plane to experience, remember, and master.  Mastering humility and gratitude puts you closer and more in touch with your heart thus placing you closer to your Divine Self.

Many blessings to you all! I see you with eyes of Love.  I acknowledge you with a humble heart.  And I feel you with the energetic compassion of the Divine.  Have a blessed and stellar week!

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