Is it the right time in the world to start or expand your holistic business?

by anne marie pizarro Nov 08, 2020

Have you ever heard of this term she-cession?

I hadn’t until a couple of months ago when I started seeing a trend in the headlines of major newspapers revealing this growing number of women who’ve ‘fallen between the cracks’, have been furloughed or laid off or struggling just to make it and survive.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that women accounted for 55 percent of the 20.5 million jobs lost in April with an unemployment rate of 15% and which women of color fared much worse, with unemployment rates for black women at 16.4% and 20.2% for Hispanic women. This primarily hit women who were in the service and labor industries.

If this is something that you or someone you know has experienced in these pandemic times, then I am sorry that you’ve had to go though such hardships, stress and overwhelm.

This year has been exceptionally challenging for many people. It has also created a pathway for others to strive, survive and thrive.

This is why this article is important if you’re one of the many who’ve been touched by the she-cession.

Life will throw curveballs at you when you’re at a place where growth and stretching needs to happen.

If you find yourself wondering what to do next, please read on.

You may be in the right time to start a holistic business if…

  • you’ve felt curious about how to use your natural gifts, talents and abilities
  • your friends keep coming back to you for advice and guidance
  • you’re looking to create a side income that can lift the load off your shoulders
  • you’ve experienced job challenges, feel stuck or no longer fit that profile of a nine-to-fiver
  • you need something else to do when you can’t depend on your old job

Most of all, you’re in the right place and the right time to start a holistic business if you’re really ready to transform your life and help other people.

Either way, your motivation is personal for you. Your WHY’s are more of a driving force for you than others. This is why 2020 has provided so many breaking grounds to try, do and be something different.

Perhaps, you’ve been giving yourself excuses for why you can’t start yet or why you’re not ready or why you need more training.

Perhaps you’re afraid that if you do get started, no one will want your work and you’re overwhelmed by more than you can handle.

Or perhaps there are so many different things that you can do that focusing on just one feels boring and constrictive.

The list is inexhaustible and this is what’s keeping so many dreamers afraid to permit their dreams an opportunity to materialize.

Relax…you’re stressing yourself out before the race has even begun. And…it’s November. We’ve had a very stressful year with the pandemic, financial challenges and elections going on.

It’s so important to take it at your own pace.

This mantra has gotten me through 13+ years of overwhelm. worry, doubt and fear. It continues to remind me that life happens in The Most High’s time, not ours and when we sit back, trust, believe and do the hard work…BIG THINGS can happen.

I know that and believe that for you. Why? Because if it happened to me…it can absolutely happen for you.

As a matter of fact, I completely forgot one of the most important anniversaries ever this year. Though I’ve been in business for over 13 years, I actually launched my holistic practice officially in 2010. This year, I celebrated my 10-year anniversary of owning, operating and serving Body Energy Connection and people all over the world.

Y’all!!! This is a big deal and I couldn’t believe I didn’t even get around to acknowledging it until now, November, when the year is almost done. I could have cried and yelled with relief but instead…I smiled and bowed my head in gratitude to the Most High, my amazing clients whom I LOVE and the ability to serve with creativity, fun and purpose.

This didn’t happen overnight. It took years of learning, tweaking and improving how I could be of service to others and do so in a way that was authentic, true to the work and in integrity. This is what I’d like to share with you in my upcoming webinar, Boost Your Holistic Business with 3 Key Principles.

I want you to walk away from this experience feeling empowered, inspired and ready to act. Most of all, I want you to start thinking about whether you’d like to serve the world in a bigger way as an Akashic Records Guide.

I am releasing a special 12-week program that begins January 2021 and I’ll walk you through exactly HOW I built my business, teach you HOW to channel and work with the Akashic Records and also HOW to build your own successful and sought after Akashic Records Practice.

I’m sharing this with you first because you are my community. You’ve walked and worked with me through these past 10 years. And really…you’re the most amazing group of people I’ve ever had the privilege to serve. I am truly humble and grateful.

So please join me for this webinar and apply these 3 Key Principles to help you get started and expanding your holistic business today! Plus…it’s FREE!

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