Nov 21, 2011I recently attended a ceremonial event recently where I drew the “Surrender” card. It was like the Universe slapping me into consciousness.
“I surrender”
I realized this was the magic key! When you surrender to what Great Creator has in store for you and align yourself to Divine Will, then you can move aside and witness the miracle that happens in the unfoldment of your destiny. This is like watching a movie of your life. It is being the watcher, director and co-producer. And surrendering doesn’t mean you succumb to defeat. On the contrary, it means you align yourself with trusting in the Source to guide you rather than have your own egoic will foretell what is best.
“Let go and surrender to what you don’t know.”
When you choose to surrender your will to The Divine, you allow yourself to trust and step into your full power.
I’ve created vision boards, stated the affirmations, envisioned and wrapped my mind around positive thinking. What was the big wake-up call was the opportunity to Surrender into the Unknown. And it’s not just saying it in words. It is living from your heart and choosing to be in a state of implicit trust and faith. This is a hard one for sometimes we need validation that we are doing the right thing. What if I were to tell you – at any given moment in time – you always have a choice to pick the choice for your highest good. Choose wisely of Life will choose it for you!
How do you let go and Surrender!!
1. Tap into The Divine Creator and trust that you are being led exactly where you are suppose to be going.
2. Be patient after you ask and let your life unfold naturally.
3. Honor yourself and others by having gratitude and awareness of everyone’s journey on this life path.
4. Don’t push it. If you find that what you are surrendering to feels difficult and uncomfortable – then that is an opportunity to check yourself and make the necessary adjustments.
5. Ask that everything be done for your highest and best good!
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