The Importance of Preparedness

by anne marie pizarro Sep 06, 2011

Energy Connection Tip of the Day: In the face of emergent situations, the importance of preparedness is executed on all levels of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Being ready for anything begins with creating the foundation of trust in The Most High, your ability to survive through anything and to assist your community in need.

Recently, Central Texas was hit by multiple fires surrounding the city of Austin and parts of Dallas.  Many communities were afflicted and people were evacuated out of their homes.  The largest damages occurred in Bastrop, Steiner Ranch, and Spicewood.

There were many people that were scared, lost, and stressed about their loss and lack of information.  It was devastating.  The air was filled with smoke in the city and the horizons were split with burning clouds that could be seen 30 miles away.  Pictures are only a smidgen of what affected so many.

In the middle of July, I received some Akashic Record Transmissions talking about preparing for emergency situations.  My girlfriends and I began collecting and preparing food.  I thought I was semi-prepared. Boy, was I wrong.

When I heard about the multitude of families that had to be evacuated and had less than 10 minutes to leave, many of them were unprepared.  I realized upon seeing the news and talking to my friends and neighbors that I too was unprepared.

I began researching information about emergency preparedness and have listed some resources that may be of assistance to you:

How to Make a 72-Hour Kit for Emergency Preparedness


15 Emergency Car Items - Emergency Preparedness When on The Road

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