$1,000.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Architect Your Dream Life Coaching Program

Are you ready to transform your life like never before? 

Architect Your Dream Life Coaching will absolutely help you flip the script on areas that have been stuck and you'll never be the same again!

I help visionary, spiritual entrepreneurs architect their dream life using their Akashic Soul Map to break through any obstacles to prosperity, contentment and success.

What you'll get:

  • SIX Akashic Records Coaching Sessions - done monthly
  • Soul Contract Report delivered in printed form
  • A light language grid to RUN for the 6 months that we're working together
  • Access to the monthly Akashic Business Clinic and monthly clearing


  • Access to Voxer where you can send me a question or share what you're going through and you'll receive immediate to 24-hour support
  • Transcriptions of ALL your Akashic Records Coaching Sessions
  • Access to the Monthly Akashic Forecast


Guarantee Fine Print: You must complete 100% of Sessions and Coaching Calls and have tracked monthly to show that you’ve done the work to reach your goals. You must have also applied at least three suggestions in your Sessions call and give feedback on the outcome.